Our Classes & Learning Spaces
Our classes are vibrant learning areas, perfect for young minds to explore the world of education. At Castlewood, we have one class per year group, made up of around 30 children. Each year group has a carefully planned curriculum based on the current DfE guidelines. Our teachers prepare each lesson to allow the children to explore every aspect of their learning journey and build the knowledge and resilience to help them grow throughout the school. Classes are supported by dedicated Teaching Assistants, where small groups or one-to-one help can be provided. We aim to give every child the opportunity to shine and discover a true love for learning.
Dormouse Class
Our first year is very exciting as we can choose to learn inside or outside. We have plenty of adult-led and independent learning challenges to choose from, which encourage us to find out more and grow our brains! There are lots of skills that we learn in Reception including writing, reading and counting. We enjoy learning about ourselves as we start school and our new Castlewood community, before learning about the world around us, including finding out about bears and farms. This is also the first time we learn about our Castlewood Learning Powers and we love to talk about these with our grown-ups!

Year 1
Squirrel Class
In Year 1, we build upon the skills that have begun to form during the Early Years Foundation Stage. With reading and writing, we aim to support children to become confident learners. A large part of this is developing phonic knowledge through daily sessions. In maths, our focus is for children to understand key maths facts. These will help children to recall important mathematical facts instantly, which are essential for their future learning. Our cross-curricular approach to learning, through termly topics, provides the opportunity to fully immerse children, involving all foundation subjects. We also aim to grow children's independence and communication skills throughout the year. Towards the end of the year, we take part in activities and sessions with their new teacher to help them transition into Year 2.
Tawny Owl Class
Year 2
Year 2 is the final year of Key Stage 1. In Year 2, we develop the children's stamina in reading and writing, preparing them for the Key Stage 2 curriculum. In Maths, the children are introduced to multiplication and division and are encouraged to use their understanding of number to solve mathematical problems mentally. In Year 2, our topics include 'On The Move' and 'Pole to Pole'. We use our topics as a way of teaching all the foundation subjects in a meaningful context. Finally, we work closely with the Key Stage 2 team and in particular the Year 3 team to create a smooth and easy transition for the children as they move into the next phase of their primary education.

Year 2
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Fox Class
Year 3
Year 3 is the first year of Key Stage 2 and we work alongside our Year 2 team to make sure that everyone is as ready as they can be for the next part of the journey here at Castlewood. There are lots of new and exciting things that happen in Year 3 which include learning a language (French), as well as learning in a new part of the school. In Year 3, children are encouraged to develop their independence through a range of learning tasks. The key multiplications taught in Year 3 are 3, 4 and 8 times tables. We believe that learning should be fun and host a range of activity days, as well as trips, which help to immerse the children in the topic they are learning.
Year 4
Otter Class
Year 4 is a year of consolidating knowledge and foundations from Year 3, and also one where the children begin to develop new skills and strategies. We encourage children to be even more independent, taking increasing responsibility for their homework and learning tasks. Learning multiplication tables up to 12 x 12 is a key part of Year 4, with children participating in the Multiplication Check in the Summer term. We believe that it is also important to foster a fun and engaging environment so that each child enjoys their learning through practical activities and field trips, including a visit to Drusilla's Zoo and Brighton Museum. In addition to this, we have weekly swimming lessons during the Spring term and a range of experience days held on our school grounds.

Badger Class
Year 5
As students move from Year 4 to Year 5, we remain dedicated to supporting growth and exploration. Building upon our prior knowledge, we further develop our vocabulary, skills and understanding. We encounter more advanced mathematical concepts, including fractions, decimals and percentages, and are encouraged to approach problem solving with critical and creative thinking. In Year 5, we also engage in various physical activities to promote our overall wellbeing and further develop our independence taking on greater responsibility for our learning. Throughout Year 5, we continue to explore diverse cultures and histories through our topics of Citizens of the World Unite, Ancient Greeks, and Into the Unknown, whilst also having opportunities to study the solar system, sparking infinite curiosity and wonder.
Year 6
Nightingale Class
Year 6 is the final, and very exciting, year at Castlewood. The student leadership team is made up of Year 6 pupils, which means that there are many opportunities to take on an extra challenge and become Head Pupils, House Captains or Prefects. During Year 6, we have the opportunity to complete our Bikeability course which helps develop our cycling skills, making us even more independent. We go on Residential to Fairthorne Manor, where we spend a whole week camping and doing fun activities. It is the highlight of our year! Although it is always sad when the children’s Castlewood journey comes to an end, we know that they will have spent time preparing well for the transition to secondary school and working hard for their SATs, so they say goodbye ready to embark on their next stage of education and beyond.

The Woodland & The Burrow
The Woodland is the home of Mrs Beange, our SENDCo, and Mrs Quinlisk, our ELSA. It is a small, cosy space with a sofa and beanbags along with a sand pit, fairy lights and many other resources. Children can be supported within the room to access calming and emotional regulation strategies and 1:1 or small group work with Mrs Quinlisk or Mrs Beange.
The Burrow is our amazing sensory room. All children in the school have regular access to The Burrow, and some children are supported more frequently within it to use our brilliant range of sensory equipment and activities.
Outdoor Spaces
We are very lucky to have not only large and small hard playgrounds but also a sports field that allows us to offer a range of sports to the children as well as use it for school events such as Sports Days and our annual whole school picnic. We have an all-weather track which we use to complete the Daily Mile Challenge to encourage a healthy lifestyle, improve concentration and promote mental well-being.
Our wildlife area in the corner of our field continues to be a focus for renovation, in order to develop it to ensure all the children at Castlewood School will be able to use it for Science, Environmental Studies and Outdoor Education.